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Spirtual Youth Awakening Spirtual Youth Awakening Spirtual Youth Awakening Spirtual Youth Awakening Spirtual Youth Awakening

John 9:4, Jesus said, “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”

 This ministry began when God worked in the heart of a 15-year-old young man who was running away from his calling and plunging into a sinful world. After a profound encounter with his Creator, his life was transformed, and he is now being used to transform the lives of other young people. The vision God gave him was to share this wonderful love of God with those who are lost and unaware. For that to happen, the youth currently in the church must first arise so that we can stand together for His name. This is why God created Spiritual Youth Awakening. All glory to God.

Our Aim

As part of a God-led, God-inspired, and God-centered movement, Spiritual Youth Awakening is embarking on a mission to cover Australia, bringing revival to the young generation within the churches. Our aim is to encourage them to stand with us for revival across this nation.
From July 20 onwards, ranging from cities like Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Tasmania, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, and New Zealand, we aim to bring a spiritual awakening among the next generation in prayer. Once our generation is awake, we will stand together in unity to fight for those outside the churches, for those who are slaves to depression, anxiety, and the devil.

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