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Mission Statement

Revival In all the lands.

7:30pm on May 22, 2024, a young man was taken into the spirit realms. While witnessing a spiritual warfare just as Daniel did, he saw an angel fly down from the heavens. Suddenly, there was a tangible divine presence all over his body, just like his heart. His eyes started overflowing, and the angel handed him a scroll reading 'Revival in all the lands' and a dir ect message from God, 'the time is short, go.'



At Spiritual Youth Awakening we run many meetings across Oceania which we use to help bring many into the revival of God. Click down to see our upcoming Events!

“Revival must come now. This is a call to arms, this is a call to action. The harvest is truly plentiful, and the workers are few".
Will you help us?



Welcome, to Spiritual Youth Awakening!

Here in our ministry, we are more than just a team; we are a family. Our ministry is dedicated to spreading the love of Christ Jesus, nurturing faith, and fostering a sense of belonging. Know that you are valued, cherished, and loved.

As we gather, let us be united in our mission: to welcome the revival of many coming to Christ Jesus. We believe that together, we can spark a transformative movement, touching hearts and souls, and drawing more people into the light of His love.

Let’s embrace this time we share as one big family. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

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