Mission Statement
Revival In all the lands.
7:30pm on May 22, 2024, a young man was taken into the spirit realms. While witnessing a spiritual warfare just as Daniel did, he saw an angel fly down from the heavens. Suddenly, there was a tangible divine presence all over his body, just like his heart. His eyes started overflowing, and the angel handed him a scroll reading 'Revival in all the lands' and a dir ect message from God, 'the time is short, go.'
Welcome, to Spiritual Youth Awakening!
Here in our ministry, we are more than just a team; we are a family. Our ministry is dedicated to spreading the love of Christ Jesus, nurturing faith, and fostering a sense of belonging. Know that you are valued, cherished, and loved.
As we gather, let us be united in our mission: to welcome the revival of many coming to Christ Jesus. We believe that together, we can spark a transformative movement, touching hearts and souls, and drawing more people into the light of His love.
Let’s embrace this time we share as one big family. Thank you for being a part of our journey.